Por: ALAn de sousa pereira (Aperam south america), Lúcio ribeiro camisão (Aperam south america), Andrelio Marcos Ribeiro (Aperam south america), Renato Siqueira Campos (Aperam south america), Antonio Carlos Ataide (Aperam south america)
The annealing and pickling line n. 1, responsible for the production of stainless steel 3xx, 4xx and 430A in thicknesses from 4 to 0.4 mm, has two vertical strip accumulators. These are intended not to let the material exceed the determined time in the furnace and in the pickling, and consequently do not cause defects like burning and excessive pickling. Strip accumulator n. 1 avoids the line from stopping during welding execution of the the coils in the welding machine. In sequence, the strip accumulator n. 2 avoids the line from stopping at the end cutting of the tips, and in the coils removal from the pickling. The strip accumulators have a roller table that during the strip accumulation moves vertically downwards while its counterweight moves vertically upwards, and do the inverse movement when the material is released. On December 12th 2018, the failure occurred in the strip accumulator n. 1, where it was verified that the axis of one of the pulleys had been fractured by high-cycle mechanical fatigue, which was characterized by alternating bending. With the fracture of the axis, occurred the unevenness of the counterweight that damaged the guides. Failure analysis of this occurrence was based on the PDCA methodology, when was verified a weld between the axis and the pulley. The analysis of the microstructure transformation in the molten zone, in the heat affected zone and in the base metal was carried out in an optical microscope, and no abnormality was observed. It was also carried out the END test by penetrating liquid, finding an inadequate weld in its geometry, as well as longitudinal trunks along the center of the weld bead. But after a huge investigation of the causes, it was found that the failure was triggered by an inadequate design of the pulley axis. It was also verified that the axis had an open measure, inadequate for the operational context. After the analysis, action plans were drawn up based on the FMEA methodology to inhibit the failure recurrence.