Por: luciano toledo ribeiro (gerdau), vinicius antunes coelho júnior (gerdau), marco venicio mendonça de souza (gerdau), Delvaux Carlos de Miranda Sobrinho (gerdau), Hegler Zurick Arantes Assunção (Gerdau), Allysson Bruno Barbosa (Gerdau), Júlio Cesar Euzebio da Silva (gerdau), Wagner Félix Rodrigues (Gerdau), Alexandro Pedro de Matos (gerdau), Jordan Clay Watson (Gerdau)
The development of a 600mm U-Pile was done in Gerdau’s Ouro Branco Heavy Section Mill in order to feed the local market with a product the was imported from Europe and USA due to the non-existence of South American producers. The focus of this study is to show the developmental process which the Mill went through until it was prepared for hot trials. All roll pass and guide designs were developed by our own team. Analytical tools like Finite Element Analysis and reduced scale lead trials will be shown and how these tools impacted on the development timeframe and accuracy of the final results on steel.
The final results on the steel product, the rolling parameters such as separating forces, trust forces, torque, product behavior, spreading, elongation, and others will be compared to results predicted by the tools and how to interpret them.